Formative Assessment


In collaboration with the Center for Assessment, we offer you three micro-courses focused on learning acceleration using formative assessment processes in the classroom.

Each of these micro-courses is divided into different parts containing pre-recorded video presentations that are between 15-25 minutes long, as well as hyperlinks within the presentation handouts to additional resources and materials.

The micro-courses


Formative Assessment in the Classroom: Introduction
(For Teachers)


Formative Assessment in the Classroom: Advanced
(For Teachers)


Supporting Teachers Focused on Learning Acceleration
(For School Leaders)

Formative Assessment in the Classroom: Introduction (For Teachers)

Micro-Course 1 is specifically designed for K-12 classroom educators, particularly those new to the profession or who have less background knowledge and experiences in assessment purposes and uses. 

This micro-course includes four modules. The first module begins with an overview of the formative assessment process and serves as an introduction to key concepts for novice educators. Module 2 and 3 both address identifying where the learner is now using quick formative pre-assessments (Module 2) and formative assessment strategies during or after instruction (Module 3). Module 4 focuses on how teachers can close the gap between where students are now and where they need to go by adjusting instruction to better meet students’ needs. Each of the four modules has a pre-recorded video presentation that is between 15-25 minutes long, as well as hyperlinks within the presentation handouts to additional resources and materials.

Formative Assessment 101 – Introduction

This video will provide you with the information you will need to understand the intended audience, guiding questions, organization, and proposed uses of the four modules in Micro-Course 1 as well as how Micro-Course 1 relates to the modules in Micro-Course 2. Both micro-courses focus on learning acceleration using formative assessment processes in the classroom.

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Formative Assessment in the Classroom: Advanced (For Teachers)

Micro-Course 2 is specifically designed for experienced K-12 classroom educators or for those who have completed Micro-Course 1 and want additional training or to go deeper into concepts related to formative assessment processes.

The micro-course includes four modules. The first module begins with an overview of the formative assessment process and serves as an advanced introduction to key concepts for educators. Module 2 addresses how to clarify, share, and help students to understand the learning intentions and success criteria for a unit and lesson. Module 3 focuses on how to provide feedback that moves student learning forward. Module 4 provides suggestions for how to involve students and their peers in the formative assessment process. Each of the four modules has a pre-recorded video presentation that is between 15-25 minutes long, as well as hyperlinks within the presentation handouts to additional resources and materials.

Formative Assessment 201 – Introduction (Advanced)

Welcome to the Introduction to Micro-Course 2. This module will provide you with the information you will need to understand the intended audience, guiding questions, organization, and proposed uses of the four modules in Micro-Course 2 as well as how Micro-Course 2 relates to the modules in Micro-Course 1. Both micro-courses focus on learning acceleration using formative assessment processes in the classroom and were created by the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence and the Center for Assessment.

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Formative Assessment 201 – Part 2: Where the Learner is Going

This module focuses on the first aspect of Dylan Wiliam’s framework related to embedded formative assessment strategies: where the learner is going. We discuss the role of the teacher, peer, and learner in the process of clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and success criteria. Subsequent modules focus on the other part of the framework.

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Formative Assessment 201 – Part 3: How to Get There

This module focuses on the third aspect of Dylan Wiliam’s framework related to embedded formative assessment strategies: how to get there. This module discusses the role of the teacher in identifying students’ strengths and needs to monitor and adapt instruction in support of providing formative feedback to move learning forward. Modules 1, 2, and 4 focus on the other parts of the framework.

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Formative Assessment 201 – Part 4: Closing the Gap

This module focuses on the last two aspects of Dylan Wiliam’s framework related to embedded formative assessment strategies: the role of the learner in activating their own learning and peers as learning resources. Modules 1-3 focus on the other parts of the framework.

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Supporting Teachers Focused on Learning Acceleration (For School Leaders)

Micro-Course 3 is specifically designed for K-12 school leaders and instructional coaches and focuses on providing school leaders with strategies to support teachers focused on learning acceleration using formative assessment processes in the classroom.

The micro-course includes four modules. The first module begins with an overview of the formative assessment process and serves as an advanced introduction to supporting high-quality formative assessment processes in the classrooms. Module 2 addresses how school leaders can support teachers in understanding and using formative assessment processes. Module 3 focuses on how to support teachers’ selection or creation of formative assessments. Module 4 provides suggestions for supporting teachers in engaging students and their peers in the formative assessment process. Each of the four modules has a pre-recorded video presentation that is between 15-25 minutes long, as well as hyperlinks within the presentation handouts to additional resources and materials.

Formative Assessment 301 – Introduction

Welcome to the Introduction to Micro-Course 3. This module will provide you with the information you will need to understand the intended audience, guiding questions, organization, and proposed uses of the four modules in Micro-Course 3 as well as how Micro-Course 3 relates to the modules in Micro-Course 1 and 2. This micro-course focuses on providing school leaders with strategies to support teachers focused on learning acceleration using formative assessment processes in the classroom. These micro-courses were created by the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence and the Center for Assessment.

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