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Formative Assessment 101 – Part 3: Using Formative Assessments During or After Instruction
This learning module focuses on providing you with strategies to identify where the learner is now both during and after instruction in relation to grade level expectations and unit learning
Formative Assessment 101 – Part 2: Using Quick Pre-assessments
Pre-assessments can improve learning by telling the teacher where to begin instruction. Watch this 10-minute video for more on pre-assessments.
Formative Assessment 101 – Part 1: Formative Assessment Processes and Learning Acceleration
In order to gather information that is useful for making better educational decisions, evidence of student understanding or learning must be collected. Watch this video for a primer on assessments
Formative Assessment 101 – Introduction
This video will provide you with the information you will need to understand the intended audience, guiding questions, organization, and proposed uses of the four modules in Micro-Course 1 as