High School

Experienced educators share short videos with effective strategies for anyone teaching or wishing to teach high school classes.

Formative Assessment 101 – Part 1: Formative Assessment Processes and Learning Acceleration

In order to gather information that is useful for making better educational decisions, evidence of student understanding or learning must be collected. Watch this video for a primer on assessments and learning acceleration.

Formative Assessment 101 – Part 1: Formative Assessment Processes and Learning Acceleration Read More »

Formative Assessment 101 – Introduction

This video will provide you with the information you will need to understand the intended audience, guiding questions, organization, and proposed uses of the four modules in Micro-Course 1 as well as how Micro-Course 1 relates to the modules in Micro-Course 2. Both micro-courses focus on learning acceleration using formative assessment processes in the classroom.

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